Character CreationReworked the character creation scene that is accessible by unchecking the "Default Player" toggle in the main menu. Replaced text box...
Temple Dungeon constructionThe dungeon level in the temple across the toxic lake is under construction.
1.5.0This build marks the end of life for many of our silly bugs and headaches. It also introduces a new way of handling inventory items by...
Thanksgiving build 1.4.0This build includes a character creation scene at the start of the game where the player can customize their race, profession, attributes...
Halloween build 1.3.0Our latest build has many bug fixes and includes 2 new races and professions. The party member recruiting at the tavern now allows the...
Combat arenaThe core mechanics of the combat system are in place. They will be showcased in the combat arena which will be included in the prototype...
Vaermyrk region in developmentThe Vaermyrk region is bustling with trade. Indentured by the wealthy aristocrats of the Proposian society, the natives work tirelessly...
Creature Feature Museum Complete.The Creature Feature Museum is a living bestiary where adventurers can visit caged versions of creatures that they have encountered.
Demo village construction complete.A quaint little village on the shores of a volcanic lake. After seismic activity turned the lake over releasing toxic fumes, residents...
Combat arena complete.The combat arena is where patrons can wager on their victories against hordes of angry combatants.